Updates Most Wednesdays

This blog is no longer updating. If you would like to see my recent artwork please visit http://carolineparkinson.co.uk.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Norwich Cathedral sketch with added tourist goodness

Legend comic colouring

I'm still hacking away at the rockface that is Legend. This is the completed coloring for page 42.

Drabblecast illustration

For a story by Douglas F. Warrick. You can find the audio version here

Vet illustrations Mark 2

The Vet School book I illustrated way back when wanted a new cover design for a reprint. Here it is.

Saturday, 18 September 2010


Great, my resolution of not buying comics until I have saved enough money to visit my sister in Australia is pretty damn shot.

My show

I'm pretty busy getting ready for this at the moment. I'm going to show 12/13 pieces and it's a mixture of digital prints like the picture above and original sketches from the Shetlands and Norfolk. Most of the work has been posted here in some form or other, including the chickens on my title picture.